We live in a set time with COVID-19. Now we must all help trade to survive.
When the virus is gone, our local dealers MUST NOT be gone. We do not think anyone wants that.
For you who are healthy and well, benefit your local dealer with it no matter what. Buy an item, go to the hairdresser or skin care / massage. Benefit from your local restaurant and café.
Shop with love - shop locally!
Information for all companies in Tierp municipality (who have questions or seek support under current circumstances).
Some industries are more vulnerable than others, such as shops, the hospitality industry and hotels & restaurants.
We collect some links further down, which may be helpful:
- has a good collection of information.
- Tierp Municipality informs, among other things, about permit & supervision matters, bringing forward permits for outdoor cafes, faster payments to suppliers and your VA invoice, among other things.
If you are a member of Visita (in the hospitality industry), you can read more on their website.
- ALMI has extra resources with financing of loans, deferred amortization, sounding board and advice.
- The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has great inspiration and good ideas available for members (which you can take a closer look at within your business)
but also good information on the website.
- The Facebook group "Corona - A helping hand in Tierp Municipality". For those who are in quarantine and need help with various chores, such as shopping, etc.
Tierps Kommun - Corona information
ALMI Local contact: Anders Smedsaas, 0730848820
The Facebook group - Corona - A helping hand in Tierp Municipality